Friday, January 23, 2015

Kindness goes a long way.

Today, I have learned there are some really great people in the world.

Today I was talking to my friend (Lets call him....Garrett for privacy sake). He works as a barista in Starbucks, conveniently this is also in my workplace. Garrett hadn't known that I had lost my sweet dog Missy and I have known him since my sophomore year of High school. So he is a really great friend to me. Of course I have the "I'm sorry" and I just say "I'll power through it."

Well a woman had overheard the conversation and asked why she wasn't cremated. I said I had to pay bills before I could bring Missy to her resting place.

I start working and my fourth customer comes and she hands me what looks like a brown envelope, however I see the "STARBUCKS" on the outside of it in shiny gold foil.

Thanks to my store Policy, I had to decline her three times before I took it. My co-worker said "We will just act like you refused three times. The woman left telling me to have a better week and that the card made my week a little better.

Honestly, it did It made me feel so much better. What most people don't realize is that if you are still in the store you can get a refill on a tea or a drip coffee. Well I drink a lot. I am constantly talking all of the time and my throat gets dry and hurts. Granted I could get water for free, but honestly, I need something that will also calm my headaches, and give me that "Southern Comfort" I am looking for.

It made me happy, it was unexpected and honestly that card will last me two three weeks. It really warmed my heart because she wasn't seeing me as an employee of a grocery store, she was seeing me as a person who really needed a pick me up, who needed to see a little light in a, currently, dark world.

Honestly it did make my day and it really made my week. If I could find that woman again I would give her a hug and say thank you all over again. Her kindness gave me a little bit of light in a dark whirlwind of pain and hurt. Now I am not saying to give everyone in a really bad mood $15. No I think the whole world would be broke. Just do something nice for them, wait a little longer, give them a smile. flowers are nice if you can afford them. If you live at home with them, do some chores around the house, clean. I know that they will appreciate it.

So remember, kindness does go along way. It could help someone in dark times. Or make them even happier than they were before.

So lets Kick back and Relax, and drink some sweet tea.

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